Healthy fast food for kids? Easy recipe!


Healthy fast food for kids

As you might know, our Wonky dips are a hit amongst the little ones.
Kids love the taste and the fact that they rescue vegetables like real Wonky heroes
In the meantime, you can be happy they enjoy vegetables, because the Wonky dips are full of fresh veggies!

Sometimes your kids want fast food, under the slogan: 'my classmates get fast food every week!'.
How can you give them the feeling they ate a burger, while actually eating quite healthy?
Wonky fan & foodblogger behind the blog Mama's gezonde tips, invented the healthy Wonky 'burger', which is delicious and easy to prepare.

Pita bread with Wonky dip healthy fastfood.png

The healthy Wonky burger


  • pita bread
  • fresh salad
  • cucumber
  • tempeh (V) or chicken
  • Wonky dip of your choice




    Preheat the oven (180°).
    Sprinkle the pita breads with water.
    Bake the pita bread in the middle of the preheated oven in 4-6 minutes.

    Grill the chicken or tempeh (V) in a casserole with some olive oil, salt & pepper.
    Cut the cucumbers into small pieces.

    Put the Wonky dip in the pita bread and smear the inside of the bread.
    Fill the pita bread with chicken or tempeh (V), salad and pieces of cucumber.
    Top it off with as much Wonky dip as your kids like!