
The story behind Wonky


We rescue fruits & veggies

We started with a mission: to rescue as many fruits and vegetables as possible, turning them into delicious, fresh and healthy dips and smoothies for you to enjoy.

Over the years a lot has changed– our recipes, packaging, partners but our commitment remains: to stop 45% of food being wasted by turning it into the tastiest dips imaginable.

Not ripe enough, too ripe, wrongly shaped – the poor avocado is probably the most rejected of them all. Not by us though.  Bursting with nutrition and healthy fats, we make these beautiful rejects the basis of many of our tastiest dips.


Say what? How?

We always rescue from the food chain.  For making our Wonky dips and smoothie bowls we don’t import, buy or order any extra. The day we get food waste to 0% is the day we say mission accomplished.

We work with European food processing plants and fresh food distributors to give their surplus fruit and vegetables a second chance.

All the fruit and veg we use are perfectly fresh, delicious and top quality. They are discarded for reasons of efficiency, overstocking or simply because they’re too ugly.

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Tasty, real tasty!

Even though our mission is rescue, our passion is flavour.  We search endlessly for the best tasting combinations to really do our veggies justice.

All our recipes are tested on our Wonky Heroes – fans who believe in what we do.  Only when we get a thumbs up from everyone do we put them on the shelves.


And it's healthy!

More? That’s right! The Wonky dips and smoothies are also healthy!

The basic ingredient of each Wonky product is the rescued vegetables and fruit, which is healthy, they say. Furthermore, the only preservative is our packaging. 95% recycled, and 100% recyclable plastic with cardboard sleeves is the most environmentally friendly way to do it.  But we’re always on the look-out for ways to improve, so watch this space.


Have mercy on Wonky

What Wonky is trying to achieve, isn’t always easy. Help us follow the right path during this challenging adventure.

Relevant feedback is always welcome!
