
Meet the Wonky family


Paprika dip

Smooth and creamy with that smoky, sweet hit of paprika, this might just qualify as the healthiest, most satisfying midnight snack you’ve ever had.

Cauliflower-truffle Dip

The humble cauliflower is lifted to delicious new heights with a hint of rich unctuous truffle oil. All hail the royal cauli!
So good it’s wicked. 72% rescued veg. 100% wow!

Avocado Hummus

Fresh avocado and chickpeas are a match made in heaven. We’ve recreated that here on earth for you and your get togethers.

Carrot dip

We love carrots. You love carrots. And carrots love a bit of Moroccan spice. We’ve brought it all together with this winning toast topper, full of the natural fiber and fabulousness that you only get with fresh.


The freshest avocados make the tastiest dips. There may be a better guacamole recipe out there, but we’ve yet to find it! Our Wonkymole is made from 52% rescued avocados!
A dip for true heroes.

Avocado Pesto

A pesto based on avocado instead of olive oil. In this wonderful healthy dip we’ve brought you something you’ve probably never had before, and now can’t live without.