Back to school in a healthy way - snacks & spreads for your kids


Back to school in a healthy way

Back to school - are you ready?

WHAAAAAA it's there again, the first week of september! 
Are your kids ready to go back to school? And what about you? Ready for the daily rush again?

Of course, you want your children to be happy & productive in the classroom by having a healthy, refreshing playtime and a nourishing lunch break. The supermarkets are full of unhealthy snacks filled with saturated fats and sugar. It's tempting to buy sweets and chocolate for your kids. But as you know these sweet treats are often unhealthy and do not contribute to a productive day, you know you'd better avoid these. But what's the healthy alternative, without your kids nagging the whole time and craving for more food...?

Healthy alternatives for playtime snacks & lunch

Why make it difficult if we can keep it super easy?! 
Healthy, natural snacks are everywhere! To name only some of them...

To give the healthy snacks a little more taste for the kids, we give you some ideas to work with the Wonky dips. Wonky dips are convenient, because it's ready to eat, and healthy, because it contains less saturated fat and sugar than other dips in supermarkets. Moreover you give your kids a positive message: "You reduce food waste, you are a Wonky Hero!"
Below we give you some very easy inspiration to give your kids some healthy snacks at school, tasty and on-the-go!

  • Fresh vegetables (cut into small fries) with Wonky hummus.
    Choose between the paprika/tomato or carrot dip, tasty and sweet enough for the kids.
    They love it as a healthy snack during playtime!!
Wonky dip - healthy snack.png
  • Whole grain grissini or crackers with Wonky hummus. 
    Even easier than the previous healthy snack!
  • Toast with Wonky dip and goat cheese.
    Yum! I bet you'll eat it yourself as well once you tasted this one.
  • Tasty wraps with Wonky dip and fresh vegetables.
    Try out the Wonky carrot dip with rocket salad or the Wonky bell pepper dip with tomatoes! Awesome combinations for your kid's lunch, yum!
healthy wonky wrap